Driven by technology and a focus to connect all to the digital academy.
Siyafunda CTC
SIYAFUNDA CTC was born in 2006 after a long-time realization of the deficiency of ICT skills in many marginalized communities. There was a lack of information regarding the newer type of job roles that technology presented. This led to economic stagnation and low morale among communities. This exacerbated other social ills and the general mindset amongst these communities were that menial jobs were the only way to go in order to earn a basic income. Siyafunda CTC saw this huge skills gap as an opportunity to assist communities with accredited ICT programs that will allow them to be recognized by the job sector for various roles.
The first Community Knowledge Centres (CKC) were set up in the East of Johannesburg and as a result, saw scores of individuals being equipped with 21st Century skills needed to thrive in the digital space. Siyafunda CTC then further developed the model to promote the rapid expansion of the CKC model to other provinces. The newer model promoted the leveraging of existing organizations that understood the dynamics and needs of their respective communities.
Siyafunda CTC would then source funds to supply the computers and accredited courses and train the trainers that would run the programs at the centre. The CKC model also encouraged the concept of the information centre whereby other paid services like Internet access, printing, and job applications could be implemented and thereby producing an additional revenue stream to the income from the existing courses being run. This enabled the centre to run sustainably. As of now, Siyafunda CTC’s implementing partners in peri-urban and rural communities have grown to over 220 partners with the sole vision of skills development, training, and device access
Our focus is on the use of digital technologies to support community, economic, educational, and social development — reducing isolation, bridging the digital divide, promoting health issues, creating economic opportunities, and reaching out to youth.
Proving essential skills to the youth and the unemployed and people with disabilities, thereby making them employable and alleviating unemployment by networking with recruitment agencies, government agencies, and businesses, thus becoming an enabler for job creation.
Siyafunda Community Technology Centre NPC’s main focus is to provide access to digital skills and technologies to support grass-roots communities in rural and urban townships in South Africa and supporting economic, educational, and social development — reducing isolation, bridging the digital divide, promoting health issues, creating economic opportunities, and reaching out to the youth, women, disabled, school learners and unemployed
Siyafunda Community Technology Centre NPC provides information through our community knowledge centres, where people can access computers, the internet, and other digital technologies that enable them to gather information, create, learn, and communicate with others while they develop essential digital skills. The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do.
Siyafunda Community Technology Centre NPC plays a key role in supporting schools to accelerate the adoption of computing and 4IR skills programs so learners can experience the “touch and feel” of technology which essentially provides the knowledge and skills to thrive in the ever-growing digital landscape.
Empowering, educating & connecting communities online
Our vision: Empowering, educating & connecting communities online

- Empower communities by providing easy access to CTC Centres
- Educate communities by providing e-Learning CTC Centres
- E-connect communities by providing access to the Internet
- Accreditation/ Registration
- Acc/2015/07/0010
- Microsoft IT academy
- Cisco training academy
- SAP education partner
- Intel easy steps
- REGISTRATION NO: 2006/038154/08 NPC
- NPO NBR: 60-961 (Dept. of Social Development)
- PBO NBR: 930 026 437 (SARS)