How technology benefits us

ICT’s are effective
tools in todays tech driven society

How Our Communities Can Benefit from ICT’s

Helping Your Community

Information, communication and telecommunications (ICT) have become a very powerful community resource, as two-way mechanisms, facilitating the perpetuation of and reflecting esteemed community values.

ICT’s have a huge capacity for incorporation into different forms of community action, including social change, community learning, community connection and community development.

ICT – An Effective Tool for Development in the New Age

Advancement of human society depends on the new tools invented by science and technology. The typical new tool in the information age is information and communication technology, ICT, which has two stages of development: the primary stage and the advanced stage.

The Primary ICT Tool supports the convenience of information sharing among people who will make better matches among sectors of the society and thus improve social productivity. The Advanced ICT Tool will support the highest efficiency and creativity in social productivity and provide equal opportunity for people to use it – leading to the various gaps existing in society to be gradually diminished.

Responsibility for Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Non-governmental organizations have obligations to work together to promote cooperation among communities and to take effective actions in promoting ICT for sustainable human, economic and social development.

Responsibility for Non-Governmental Organisations

To effectively use ICT tools for making progress in economic and social development, people need to acquire certain necessary kinds of knowledge and skills. Education thus plays the most fundamental and indispensable role. People in the information age have the advantage of using ICT for receiving education. This is the responsibility of governments and citizens. Governments in any country should take on the responsibility to promote national education for all people and place education as the top priority on the national development agenda.

The Information Age and A New Stage of Human Society
  • Science and Technology is the major driving force for the development of human society. Material science and technology has made it possible for human society to advance from the nomadic age to the agricultural age.

    Energy science and technology has driven the society from the agricultural age to the industrial age, and now information science and technology is leading society from the industrial age to the information age.

Government should also take effective measures to encourage all stakeholders to build up and maintain the national infrastructure as well as create the variety of information resources so that people, including disabled people, can afford to use ICT tools for learning, working and living. 

Citizens should be well aware of the importance of learning and people are never too old to learn more about ICT.

Overview & Positioning

Siyafunda CTC enables information and community knowledge centres, where people can access computers, the internet, and other digital technologies that enable them to gather information, create, learn, and communicate with others while they develop essential digital skills.

The focus is on the use of digital technologies to support community, economic, educational, social development – reducing isolation, bridging the digital divide, promoting health issues, creating economic opportunities and reaching out to the youth. Siyafunda CTC establishes partnerships and relationships with multi-stakeholders, including local governments and municipalities, private business organisations, community-based organisations, schools, and universities in delivering community technology centres in previously disadvantaged areas, thereby making the vision a reality.


Siyafunda CTC provides the management and operational skills and capacity, in supporting sustainable projects and initiatives in uplifting communities by “bringing ICT to the communities”. This initiative brings into reality the concerns of national and local government to make ICT access (internet and email) accessible to all communities. This initiative also envisages skilling the youth, the unemployed, women, people with disabilities, thereby making them employable and alleviating unemployment by networking with recruitment agencies, government agencies and businesses, thus becoming an enabler for job creation.


Siyafunda CTC is a member of DOC’s e-Skills Institute and aligns its model to the national e-Skills Plan of Action (NeSPA), which was developed through a two-year consultation process culminating in the e-Skills Summit in July 2010 and October 2013. Siyafunda CTC is a network hub for sustainable community knowledge centres of communication technologies and providing internet excellence in South Africa.


  • Empower communities by providing easy access to CTC Centres
  • Educate communities by providing e-Learning CTC Centres
  • e-Connect communities by providing e-Access to internet and email
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